To Keep Your Bathtub or Not?
When a customer decides to renovate their bathroom, one of the top asked questions we get is “Should we keep the bathtub or replace it with a shower?”
There is no right or wrong answer to this, but we have gathered some reason that may help you make this decision.
Many people enjoy a relaxing bubble bath. A warm bath can help you unwind, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Soaking in a tub filled with scented salts or bubbles can be a valuable part of your self-care routine. If this is something you look forward to every weekend, then why get rid of it?
Having a bathtub in your home can increase its appeal to potential buyers, which could benefit you if you plan to sell your home in the future. Some homebuyers prefer a bathroom with both a shower and a bathtub, giving you more potential buyers.
Bathtubs can be used not only for bathing but also for other purposes, such as washing pets, rinsing off muddy shoes, or easier option for bathing children.
One of the most significant drawbacks of keeping a bathtub is the space it occupies. In smaller bathrooms, a bathtub can make the room feel cramped and limit your options for layout and storage. Removing the tub can open up space for a more efficient and aesthetically pleasing bathroom design.
If you want to renovate your bathroom and feel like the traditional shower baths is not the style you would like. If you have space, why not consider a free-standing bath? Free standing baths are often the focal points of bathrooms, and they add a luxurious aesthetic to the room.
One reason where it would benefit a homeowner to remove the bath, would be difficulty getting in a bath due to age or a disability. A walk-in shower with handrails and a shower seat would be less hazardous than an elderly homeowner climbing in an out of the bath. Alternatively, you could have a walk-in bath, but this route may end up slightly more costly.
Ultimately, the decision to keep or get rid of a bathtub depends on your personal preferences, lifestyle, and practical considerations. If you value relaxation, have the space, and prioritize the therapeutic benefits, keeping a bathtub may be a wise choice. On the other hand, if you have space constraints and prefer a more accessible bathing option, then removing the bathtub may make sense
Contact us today and let us create the bathroom of your dreams.